Monday, January 24, 2011

Fourth Law – The law of self-efficacy.

 If you are already questioning whether or not you can actually make the required changes, you are going to have a difficult time with your program.  You must believe you can do it!  Think of self-esteem as a bank.  Each time you keep a promise to yourself, the store of self-esteem gets bigger, making it easier to keep the next promise to yourself.  It's all about "Results Momentum" - achieving one result gives you the confidence to achieve the next goal.  Each time a promise is broken, however, your self-esteem goes down, making it easier to break the next promise.  Reinforce this belief in yourself by surrounding yourself with others who are doing or have accomplished what you're attempting.  After all, if they can do it, so can you!  We’ve got plenty of success stories at Upward Motion Personal Training to inspire you to Reach for your Best!

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