Thursday, June 24, 2010

Barefoot Running

Barefoot Running

Various books have been written about the super human running of the Tarahumara Indians of copper Canyon in Mexico. These people train and compete at distances of 50 miles or more at a time. "What's their secret?" you might ask. Simply running barefoot.

There are benefits to people of all ages to incorporate a barefoot training regimen into their training programs. Barefoot training is known to increase musculoskeletal power and strength in the foot, ankle and lower leg. Less energy is used when running barefoot than when running in running shoes, so you can run farther without feeling as tired. It also allows the exerciser to do more work using less energy by transferring energy from the mid sole of the foot to the toes. There is less strain on the exerciser's joints and energy stores. On the other hand running in running shoes transfers energy from the heel, to the mid sole and lastly to the toes. Running barefoot causes a more fluid looking and feeling stride.

Along with strength and power, barefoot running also helps with stablity and balance two aspects that we will discuss further in next weeks e mail

Upward Motion Personal Training