Dear friends,
As you now know this month is national fruit and veggie month. We just want to remind you that even if you can not get out and exercise with all this smoke the least you can do is eat right. Here are some healthy tips to help keep you on track. Instead of ice cream try some non-fat yogurt, veggie chips are just as bad for you as regular chips so try eating real vegetables. If you really need to or want some extra flavor try some humus or balsamic dressing on your veggies. Also, keep in mind you only need 30 minutes of exercise to maintain your weight and it can be broken up into 10 minute intervals! Hope everyone is enjoying there summer!  Vote for Us!! Its that time of year again, "The Best Of". Last year we got 5th Best Health Club and Luis go 4th Best Personal Trainer. This year we are going for Number 1, but with a twist. We know that a lot of our clients train with more than one trainer, so for Best Personal Trainer vote for "The Upward Motion Team". Best of the City: Best Personal Trainer vote: (The Upward Motion Team) Best Health Club vote: (Upward Motion Personal Training) Vote at: Thanks for all your support and without your support we wouldn't be nothing!! |
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