Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fit Quiz

Fit Quiz:

Ab Challenge

1. Which of the following exercises does not work the abs?

a. Crunches

b. Squats

c. Bicycle maneuver

2. How many times a week should you work out your abs?

a. 2 to 3 non-consecutive days

b. 3 to 4 non-consecutive days

c. 4 to 5 non-consecutive days

3. Which of the following is not a muscle of the abdominals?

a. Rectus abdominus

b. Obliques

c. Gluteus maximus

4. The most effective way to burn fat from your stomach is?

a. A regimen of cardio, strength training, flexibility training and a healthy diet.

b. Countless repetitions of sit-ups and crunches

c. A stationary bike.

5. Which of the following tools is used to build a stronger stomach?

a. Swiss ball

b. Treadmill

c. Leg press

6. The core of the body is made up of?

a. Thighs, butt, and calves

b. Abdominals, lower back and hips

c. Triceps, biceps and shoulders

7. Doing 100 sit-ups a day will...

a. Increase muscle endurance in the abdomionals

b.Give you a washboard stomach

c. Help you lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks

8. Which of the following does not concentrate on core training?

a. Pilate's

b. Yoga

c. Spinning

9. The transversus abdominus is responsible for which of the following:

a. Stabilizing the back

b. Allowing you to twist your body

c. Enabling you to bend forward

10. According to the American Council on Exercise one of the most effective ab exercises is the

a. Traditional crunch

b. Ab rocker

c. Bicycle maneuver


1. (a)Crunches

2. (a)2 to 3 non-consecutive days a week

3. (c)Rectus abdominus and obliques are both muscle of the abdominals

4. (a)Regimen of cardio, strength training flexibility training and a healthy diet

5. (a)Swiss ball

6. (b)Abdominals, lower back, and hips

7. (a)Increases muscle endurance in abdominlas

8. (c)Pilate's and yoga concatenate on core training; Spinning is used for cario health

9.(a) Stabilizing the back

10. (c)Bicycle maneuver.

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