Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to Stay Fit this Holiday

For most of us, the holiday season=food and food=weight gain. So how can we keep those holiday pounds at bay and have fun with the whole family? Check out these creative, after dinner games we found.

-Spin the Bottle (not the kissing one)-
Grab an empty bottle and a box or bucket. Have everyone write down their exercise instructions and put them folded up into the box.
Ex. Run into the kitchen and find a spatula, a cup, and a pot in under a minute. If you fail you have to do 5 crunches.
Spin the bottle and whoever it lands on picks a paper from the box. Follow the instructions and remember to cheer them on!!
-Musical Chairs with a Twist-
Count how many people are playing, grab that many chairs minus one. Designate someone like grandma with the bad hip and have them control the music. Everyone circles around the chairs as the music is going, once the music stops, everyone grab a chair and quick! Whoever is left standing has to do 20 jumping jacks or some other exercise!

Remember to be creative and have fun! Think of different exercises to do for the games above or just incorporate exercises into a classic game! Everyone loves a challenge and a reason to get loud, why not get a little workout involved too?

Visit www.upwardmotionpt.com for your FREE personal training session!

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