Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Is Skipping Breakfast Really That Bad?

Eating breakfast can give you healthy benefits all day as long as YOU make the smart choices for what you eat for breakfast. The best combination for receiving all the benefits from this meal is to include carbohydrates, protein and fat. A great example of this is cereal and milk with a glass of juice or peanut butter toast with fruit. If you have children this is a great opportunity to teach them early, the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast and what it consists of.

When eating breakfast it provides you with awesome benefits we can all use throughout the day. It can help improve your overall diet. By eating breakfast you are more likely to eat more minerals and vitamins, less fat, and cholesterol everyday. When you eat more three or more meals a day this helps your chances of getting the recommended nutrients and the different foods that you need to maintain a healthy diet and reduce your cholesterol. This in turn reduces your rick of cardiovascular health problems, including heart disease which are the leading cause of death currently.

Believe it or not eating breakfast also helps with weight management. You reduce the rick of being or becoming famished by the time lunch hits. This in turn means that you are less likely to eat unhealthy snacks or overeat because you are too hungry by the time lunch comes around.

This one might be the most important to those of you who are always on the go. Breakfast can allow you to be more productive throughout the day. It has been shown that adults who eat breakfast are more likely to be productive before lunch. Children who eat breakfast concentrate better, are more alert, have better hand-eye coordination and solve problems better than kids who do not eat breakfast. In addition to keeping productivity up it also keeps you energized throughout the day as well. When you skip breakfast your blood sugars can drop, which leaves you feeling tired and slow, it can also cause headaches and stomachaches. Thus making it hard for you to concentrated when you are at work or school, and can even cause you to go home.

All and all it is better to have breakfast than not, and it offers many benefits. When you are running late or you tell yourself you do not have time. Wake up a couple minutes earlier or you can even prepare your breakfast the night before so you are ready to grab it and go. This week we have given you ideas in our Eat This, Not That section so there are no excuses. No more excuses breakfast is awesome for you and will keep you going all throughout the day.

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