Monday, March 29, 2010

Valentine's Day Lovin!

The Benefits of Valentine's Day

Have the house to yourself this Valentine's Day? Joy Davidson, PhD, a New York psychologist and sex therapist says, "Of course, sex is everywhere in the media, but the idea that we are vital, sexual creatures is still looked at in some cases with disgust or in other cases a bit of embarrassment. So to really take a look at how our sexuality adds to our life and enhances our life and our health, both physical and psychological, is eye-opening for many people."
So what are they benefits of good loving in a relationship? Here's just a few!

1. Sex Relieves Stress
Lowering blood pressure and overall stress reduction were major outcomes of a study done on 24 women and 22 men who kept track of their sexual activity. The study showed that those who had intercourse responded better to stressful situations than those who were abstinent.

2. Sex Boosts Immunity
Having sex once or twice weekly increases the levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A which can protect you from getting colds and other infections.

3. Sex Burns Calories
30 minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more. The math? 42 half-hour sessions will burn 3,570 calories. In other words? You'll burn at least a pound of fat! "Sex is a great mode of exercise," says Patti Britton, PhD, a Los Angeles sexologist and president of the American Association of Sexuality Educators and Therapists. It takes work, from both a physical and psychological perspective, to do it well," she says.

4. Sex Reduces Pain
As the hormone oxytocin surges, endorphins increase, and pain declines. So if your headache, arthritis pain, or PMS symptoms seem to improve after sex, you can thank those higher oxytocin levels.

5. Sex Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk
Frequent ejaculations may reduce the risk of prostate cancer later in life. Men who had or have 5 or more ejaculations weekly in their 20's reduced their risk of getting prostate cancer by a third! Older men who ejaculate 21 or more times a month are reducing their risk of prostate cancer as well.

6. Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles
For women, doing a few pelvic floor muscle exercises known as Kegels during sex offers a couple of benefits. You will enjoy more pleasure, and you'll also strengthen the area and help to minimize the risk of incontinence later in life. To do a basic Kegel exercise, tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor, as if you're trying to stop the flow of urine. Count to three, then release.

7. Sex Helps You Sleep Better
The oxytocin released during orgasm also promotes sleep, according to research. Getting enough sleep has been linked with a host of other good things, such as maintaining a healthy weight and blood pressure. Something to think about, especially if you've been wondering why your guy can be active one minute and snoring the next.

Enough reasons to cuddle up with your love on Valentine's Day? We sure hope so! Maybe even enough reasons to cuddle up more than just on Valentine's Day!

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