Monday, March 29, 2010

Should Humans Run?

Running is no doubt a popular activity. More and more people are participating in marathons and sports such as cross-country in school. But with the increasing amount of runners comes the increasing about of injuries from running. So is this activity really meant for us? Eric Beard, fitness trainer and master fitness instructor, blames seated desk work and corresponding alignment issues for the prevalence of running-and fitness-related injuries. Beard suggests getting thorough structural assessment to identify imbalances and joint restrictions before picking up running. "Increase mileage very slowly, and never increase volume and intensity at the same time," Beard also suggests. Final verdict, go run! Just make sure you're in proper shape so you don't go down a notch in your fitness level instead.

Another article published in the New York Times (October 27, 2009) asked the same question and concluded that we are. The article cited a report published in a 2007 issue of Sports Medicine (2007; 37 {4-5}, 288-90) as evidence for its claim. The authors also reported that highly efficient humans could even outlast most mammals.

There you have it, humans are meant to run and it is encouraged, only if the body is in proper alignment and if taken in strides. Get it, Strides and running. Funny huh.

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