Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fit Foods for Fall - Part 4


This is an exciting continuation of the last email that was sent out. This fall be sure to buy local and organic foods. This not only saves money, protects the planet, but also pleases your palate. Here are the last two foods that are reaching their seasonal peaks and would be a wonderful addition to any diet plan.

9. Raspberries. Although extremely healthy, raspberries are one of the priciest berries you can find so buying them in season is a smart idea. Flavonoids called anthocyanins make up much of the raspberry and are thought to help prevent fungal and yeast infections as well as aid with irritable bowl syndrome. Not to mention, a study done in the Netherlands showed that raspberries have 10 times as many antioxidants as tomatoes. Like pears and apples, they contain pectin which plays an important part of digestive health and lowering cholesterol. Raspberries taste wonderful in salads, deserts, or just as some quick and delicious snacks!

10. Tomatoes. Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to prevent heart disease and even cancer, has been found in tomatoes. They're also a great way to get your Vitamin C. Tomatoes are delicious raw but they are also fantastic cooked and good news, they don't lose a lot of nutritional value when cooked. So if you can't stomach a raw tomato put them in stews, sauces and even ketchup (if it's high fructose corn syrup free and low in sodium). Don't be afraid to try the different types of tomatoes as they are all antioxidant rich. Exotic colors such as yellows, greens, purples, browns and reds make a very colorful, flavorful and healthy salad!

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